Vidhya Vahan App mandatory for school vehicles || Vidhya Vahan App download

School Bus Tracking mobile application for parents from Motor Vehicles Department, Govt of Kerala,

The Motor Vehicles Department is regulated by the Government of Kerala in terms of policy formulation and its implementation.  The Department is administered by the Transport Commissioner who is the Head of Department.

  • സ്കൂൾ ബസ് എവിടെ എത്തി? കുട്ടികൾ സഞ്ചരിക്കുന്ന സ്കൂൾ വാഹനം രക്ഷിതാക്കൾക്ക് ട്രാക്ക് ചെയ്യാൻ - വിദ്യാ വാഹൻ 

Vidhya Vahan App User Manual for Parents

  • Installation and login

1). Download and install the Vidhya Vahan Mobile

app from the Play Store

2). Login using the registered mobile number.

2). An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile


3).Enter the OTP and login to the app


1).After the successful login using the registered

mobile number with an OTP verification, Vidhya

Vahan home page will be opened.

2). The home page will show the list of vehicles that

are registered under the parent’s mobile number.

3). On selecting the locate button against the

vehicle, the user can track the vehicles on the map.

4). Users can see Vehicle No, Date, Time, Speed,

Main Power and Ignition.

5).In the app, a provision to call the crew members.

6). Select the call button against the crew,it will go

to the dial pad and then the users can call. Users

can’t call the driver at the time of the vehicle


7). Users can edit the vehicle details by using the

‘Settings’ option.

8). Settings’ select ‘Edit Vehicles’option.

9). Select the ‘Edit’ button against the vehicle

number and update it using the ‘Update’ button.

10). Users can click on the Refresh button when the

data is not getting properly

Download 👈Vidhya Vahan Application .

Vidhya Vahan Bus Management for Schools

  • Bus Settings

1) . Login the Surakasha Mitr web portal ( ) using school login


2) . Select the menu School Bus Management / School

Bus Monitoring / Bus Settings.

3) . User can view a table having all the educational

institution buses registered with the logged in mobile


4) . Select a vehicle and click on Update Settings button

5) . A new window will be appeared to update details of

vehicle like bus no, route, seat capacity, crew details

(Role, Name and Mobile Number).

6) . Click Save button to save the details and the vehicle

will be available in Parent Bus Mapping page.

Parents Bus Mapping

1) . After login select ‘Parent-Bus Mapping’ menu from

‘School Bus Management’. User can view a table having

vehicle number and manage parent details button.

2) . Select a vehicle number and add parent mobile number

(Using manage parent details button).

Download 👈Vidhya Vahan Application .


Toll Free Number: 1800 599 70 99

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